Henlo catto👋😺‼️ You have stumbled across 311i3!! I am also a furry and a therian (still figuring out). If you do not like that or hate both for these things, please do not visit me or harass me. Just block or ignore.
I like: 👱♂️⚔️🐶Adventure time, 😒⚔️🐙POTC, 🎬cartoon network, 🐱🐻❄️🐧Octonauts, 🐱cats, 🐵🍘 MaxDesignPro, 💀🎉🥹 Coco, 👄♟️🤡 TADC, 🐱⚔️🐶 battle cats, and 🍜 soup
I dislike: 🫢Myself, 😵💫existential crisiss...and well...😡assholes?