Don't sell the adopt right away! :333 (In under 2 weeks you are free to sell them but not over what you got them for if you bought them with money currency virtually or not)
If a freebie I will spill a wheel after 24 hours!
If you block me I will feel uncomfortable you owning my designs/nm just normal to feel like that bc I'm human duh.
Preferably for trades!! This goes to designs I'm looking for from these creators!!!: Floofy_rockruff Firefoxstudios Oingowubbaboingo Directorkitkat (th) mimaoartz (th) HotMenAlert UnspokenGibberish(aka Gibbsss) 1nkPuddles (th) Rbf_reese (th) Nyudoodles (th) FluffyBunnyCraft Detricubus (th) karmafl0wer (th) DandysWorld (th) puppyloopsy (th)