Profile picture - @soulskullBackground - google
🫐 @WasSup @soulskull (〃´▽`)🎃 Gender fluid- (whatever you want to call me) 🧪 im short 5'4 (..)⭐️ American/Irish ( ・ω・)ノ🪵 19, dec 22 ( ゜o゜)🦇 Style- lazy ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ🎨 #Ramen0nly #RetroRaven🏳️🌈 lgbtq+ friendly (im pan (^-^))
Likes- foxes🦊, coffee ☕, cats🐱, rain🌧️, thunder storms⛈️, all colours🏳️🌈, plants🌱, bugs🐛, and all animals 🐾
Dislikes- deep water💧, centipedes🪱, and trypophobia🕳
(My YouTube)https://www.youtube.com/@Retro_Ramen(My insta) https://www.instagram.com/retr0_raven1/profilecard/?igsh=OTljenNoYnR3cnU0
(@WasSup YouTube)https://youtube.com/channel/UCSHoqqIGAmC4rtTLFguibrQ
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