This account was made to express all my unprofessional thoughts. I am very much not looking to be mature regarding my opinions and statements about things I may say, so if that happens to not be the type of thing you'd like, you should follow my main account which has my more thought out artworks and collaborations. @ShoutaKenzo
I'm a lot more rudely expressed here when commenting on others so if that is the case please don't be alarmed or threatened. It's a misunderstanding, I assure you I don't actually have negative annotations towards anyone. I prefer if you don't comment on my stuff if you're younger than 18. Which means every child on here.
On all my accounts, I'm typically semi-hiatus until I have recent art.
One year on SU
261 posts
One year on SU
Awarded to users who have been on Sketchers United for one year.