Hey, I'm Onyx! My amazing partner!:Archie💕 Arcnyx Sprust Wolski INFP-T Matching With:@Monsterfnaf Theriotype:Raccoon, same name and pronouns Sexuality/Gender:Omni, Genderfawn Pronouns:He/Him, They/Them, It/It's B-day/Age:Sep 25th 2010 and 14 Fav Color:Green, orange, gray Fav Animal(s):Stingray, manta ray, fish in general, sparrow, raven, crow, cat I speak English ---------------------- Welcome anyone who is: 11-17 Likes indie or rock genres Loves to read Lgbtq+ or allies Therian/furry From Sketch One Doesn't judge people Is a track or XC runner Mentally fucked Loves wild life Doesn't leave people when they're in a dark place ---------------------- NOT Welcome: NTO members Homo/Transphobic Anti furry/therian Zoophiles/pedophiles Racist Sexist Ablist Anti abortion Nazi, or anything along the lines of the Nazi Logic People who want to ban books/book burners People who don't believe in ed's Toxic people Religion forcers Flat earthers Trump supporters