


Joined May 29 2022

I hate being alive.

Account Warning⚠️
Content may be unsuitable for audiences under the age of 18
I cover dark themes that is only meant for more mature audiences.
If you think you can handle it, by all means, follow my Account and enjoy the show!

Discord: πŸ”ͺ|C1RCVSFR3AK|πŸ”ͺ#5886

Howdy there!

The name's Terry- but idc what you call me
As long as it's... Tasteful πŸ§β€β™€οΈ

Anyways! I'mma 16 year old artist and story writer. I mostly make troubled male OC's and I love to collab n ship OC's with other content creators!
If you'd like to chill, or chat, or collab, then slide me a PM stinkies πŸ€™

Interests: Horror, Romance, Fnaf, Making OCs, and ECT


Demiromantic Graysexual

DNI: The usual.

Male Yandere Simp Here

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If you have been blocked by me, it's probably because I don't associate with people I think look like dickheads. So, you should probably self reflect <3


315 posts