I don’t do DM no swearing on my page! I draw I take request (but right now they are closed!) and I am a popjam person. background pic by me profile pic by @_Zipper_ . I like stuff. I’m an happy tree friends hyper fixator
Best online friend @mole
My name is Fox Katamix I’m female You can also find me on YouTube im Lovecatja’s channel hope you will enjoy my vids if you watch
People you should follow.@mole@ShortCake @_zipper_@Imstilldead @Flippy405
My hashtags#Lovecatja #lovecatjamlp#lovecatjahtf#lovecatjasoc#lovecatjapp#foxhtf#brockenproblems#cuddlesXfox
My comic -> #Storysfromamutecomic (<- Nothing else to put here unless I put it there) Posters and WIPs for the comics -> #Storysfromamute
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