hi im joel and im the ceo founder president manager boss and janitor of goldstrike studios
i founded goldstrike studios when i was 8 years old because 8 year olds have nothing else to do besides start a corporation
goldstrike studios is a little comic company i made. we have stuff like Breckwood and Sago and some other stuff sometimes
who’s “we”? you ask. by we, i mean me.
yeah i make all these by myself except for when i don’t!!!!!$
“joel why are you putting so much effort into a fake company? are you doing this because you have nothing else to do?”
well when you put it that way yeah
nahh i only do this cuz its fun and i think 8 year old me wouldve been happy
im also the guy who created the goldy awards
im a pretty chill guy so feel free to dm me
follow my wife @Meowtown
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