Creator of the Pokepasta: One More No MoreBestie Boo/Gf: @Fl0wer1235Transgender female (He/Him).I support LGBTQ+I have Trypanophobia.
My phone account : @Y0urLocalArtist2
I get obsessed w/ so many different fandoms in so little time idk what I'm mostly into anymore.
I HATE Objects Shows/BFDI,too childish in my opinion,it also doesn't make any sense.
If you're lucky enough then you may see me post and/or join a collab.
I have A.D.D,Sleep Deprivation,Insomnia (?),Social Anxiety,Depression,and other fun stuff like that.
Follow friends please: @ArtyEevee @BlueberryBlitz @Emerald_Horizons @ruisnumberonefan @YeahImAddie @TailsIsBest @shmunguss @LINDAISWOEFUL @PYR0_PH0B1A
Acc on the Pokepasta Wikipedia Fandom: https://pokepasta.fandom.com/wiki/User:YourLocalArtist_Ye
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/hog123456
Character.AI: https://beta.character.ai/profile?
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