♥ Drippster ♥



Joined Aug 21 2023

“That one mistake doesn’t define who you are. It’s the way you respond to it that defines who you are.”


“There’s no such thing as losing, you win or you learn. when you “lose” it just tells you to try something else next time”

- Also Me

Hi, you can just call me Drip 👍
Just your average untalented left handed goober with a broken sense of humor. My pronouns are he/him.

Yes, Pird is really my son.

If you’re ever bored, then I’m always free. If something bad happened and you want to talk about it, then I’m always free to talk to.

I’m very playful and mysterious, so I might do questionable things sometimes 😅

I may have glued my grandma to my ceiling and flex taped my newborn baby to the bottom of a boat 😅


25 posts