🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇩🇪✝️Romeo✝️ 🇩🇪🇮🇹



Joined Sep 30 2019

Christ my savior
About me: born 11 march,17y/o, loves History, drawing, Religion, monarchy, religios
Things i support politicaly: Any Kind of monarchy its time we need a Strong Leader
-Republican in the US

I do mappings so please dont Take ANYTHING serious when there is an Ideology you hate

Ancestors: Prussian
Instagram: romeo.rbrts
Languages speaking: 🇩🇪🇬🇧🇳🇱(🇻🇦 more or less)

Sexuality: Hetero (i have grown Out of my bi phase lmao)
Im a Potterhead and i know Over 5 spells so dont Mess with me 😾

My Bros:
@Enderbee [left]
@Yugo [left]
@Pastonio [Left]

;First mapper who uploaded mapping Animations on this app;

You can call me Romy If you want :)

Lobet mich nicht, denn ich bedarf keines Lobes, rühmet mich nicht, denn ich bedarf keines Ruhmes, richtet mich nicht, denn ich werde gerichtet werden


1198 posts