


Joined Sep 8 2020

Welcome to the dumps... 👋🗿

Whenever I’m in out and about, I will draw while I am bored or to pass the time. Turns out I make a lot of stuff, like a lot of stuff, and some of it is kinda cool I guess. I have an unbridled desire to create and it’s sickening.

Most, if not all, of what I draw is MY OCS!!! Don’t expect much fanart lmao.

Also I’ll post some other weird stuff here. Wips, doodles, photos, edits, memes, shitposts, self-promos? Who knows. It’s all for fun.

Current fixations:
Linkin Park, My OCs (always)

I know english, barely know any spanish :b.
I’m half asian btw.

FOLLOW 👉🌟@YoursTruLee🌟
It is MY MAIN!!!

@FreddyBear - my brother
@Jumex - the MAN
@Corgicat - bro dawg
@Pepsy - inactive but cool
@etacanismajoris - 💖

*don’t dm me, unless ur a mutual, ask first.
*don’t repost, trace, or edit my art, ask first.
*respect me and others, aka, be normal.
*I love getting nice/funny comments :3.

Mkay, thanks.


659 posts