

Joined Jan 21 2020

How do you get taller? Why, that's easy. There's a very simple method to gain some height. I'm surprised you don't know. I know a way to get EXTRA tall. I'll let you in on the secret - it'll just be between you and me, just don't share this with all your friends. All you have to do is HAND OVER YOUR VISION, BY ORDER OF THE VISION HUNT DECREE!! RESIST AND WE WILL USE FORCE! ALL HAIL THE GLORIOUS ELECTRO ARCHON AND HER NOBLE QUEST FOR ETERNITY!!!

See, simple as that! 🙂

Age: 18
Working at: Discord mod

Мені нудно в житті і нема чим зайнятися, чекайте тут випадкових постів xD


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