Windows Longhorn



Joined Mar 1 2023

Hey guys I'm windows longhorn and I'm a female and i like creating windows stuff!!!!! :D

Released in 2004

Ended support 2007

DISCLAMIER: I don't own the windows stuff they belong to Mohamadou

So here are the rules And Remember,

No Hateing Mohamadou or you’ll get blocked

No Swearing

No Violence

No Termainting us or you will get banned

No stealing our arts or you will get reported

Always ask permission before you use our arts

No inappropriate posts

No Spamming

No saying *Windows sucks* or i'll block you

No hate comments

Be nice to others or leave

No Immature things

No makeing fun of my gender

No Blocking me

No Hateing me

No bullying me

No Hateing my arts

And No Being mean

Anyone who doesn't follow my rules will be blocked

So that is the rules
Hope you enjoy our arts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉


Check out my BFFS: @MohamadouWinXPTV @Toyin @2023 @Aidenwindows89


668 posts