


Joined Feb 25 2023

Hello everyone! Hope ur having an amazing day/night

You may call me Ozzy (Ozz for short) I am 13 years old and I am (like most on here) obsessed w drawing lol.

60+ ocs lol (Ozzy’s my main)

Some amazing people I have met here so far are:
- @TARDIS1234 - My BFF/“bro” 💜✨
- @DerpyAxolotl
- @ElmiraE
- @Colli3TheGreat
- @Zerania
- @Typicalmoth581
- @Flower1235777
- @_Sn0w_
- @Dittotimes2
- @RamenNoodles598
- @SnickerDoodlez
- @uni_2018
- @Corgicat

⚠️Please do not swear, say anything mean, or say sus stuff on my posts, or I will block/unfollow you for quite a while⚠️

Fandoms I follow:
- Furries ^-w-^~>
- Sonic
- Ranboo
- Ramshackle

Fanart for Ozzy: #OzzytheLynx
Fanart for me: #JustOzzyFanart
Fanart for Prism High: #PrismHigh

Je parle aussi un peu français.


279 posts