


Joined Oct 6 2022

The world sucks. We all have hurting broken hearts, the difference about Christianity is we have a doctor to pair up our broken hųrting hearts. I’m bad, I’m a terrible person with terrible thoughts but I have a healer, someone to talk to. I just want to share my joy with everyone, make that little light shine brighter. You won’t burn out just yet! Not while God allows me to live!

I`m a weird person, with weird opinions and weird beliefs. Let’s be weird and spread our weirdness!!

Fine me on; Roblox! @ X_SproutxX (Display DingleStinkle) Not accepting requests! | almaraccoon on Artfol! | DingleStinkle on PixelPetz | AlmaRaccoon on Pokémon UNITE


1. No cursing or inappropriate talk of any type.

2. Do not compare my ocs to any other character that dont belong to me. I work hard on my ocs and most likely just inspired off them or it was an accident.


312 posts