I'm just built like a T Rex



Joined Dec 5 2020

- Don't be shy girl, go Bananza, shake ya body like a belly dancer.

@ShleepyTown - Main Account for weird messy drawings. You can also DM that account for personal collab requests to do with me. I'll most likely see it.

✋HELLO, I've always been a sucker to drawing in a comic format and collabs makes me brainstorm on the creativity it gives me. It's the greatest way to bring out the personality/charm of everyone's character.✋

• SKIPS : It'll be done later/not related to the collab/didn't understand/ you just did something that is disgustingly unforgivable and just a N o.

• MY LIMIT: It depends on my mood and health🐄

• PLEASE be sure to put them in the collab section, I don't notice them in the notifications (pinging only by username) half the time.

[Don't be discourage to join the collabs. I enjoy, appreciate seeing the bad ones and good ones, the hours or less you put into the reply! I love love them all.]


152 posts