


Joined Nov 7 2019

I love to draw
I like use comic and oc, fusion oc, super crown,
Super crown fusion versions, babies and toddlers demons
Toddlers axolotl and adult axolotl
I have a lot of twins (0m0)
Tag me: #viviprettybebdemonbabies #vivisboxheadclowns #berrysfusiongemspider #vivisbabybatsboxheadcares
Artist by👶@kidBoxheaddemon🍼
And also my favorite movies and tv shows: my hero academia and solor opposites, the Willoughbys, Onward, Ferdinand
My favorite oc: birthday boy clownie, shyla the axolotl, twins black fluffy bats,
Penny the axolotl, mury, mekla, fuffy
Follow me on Instagram - -> @ boxheadkids2021
My favorite game: Mario kart and super smash bros :v
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