Today's "Adventures Of Boltz" comic is a very special one, as it is inspired by it's younger sibling comic "The Very Boring Comic"'s "The Creativity Project!" Draw in one panel from the comic and let the other complete it! But there are a few rules to follow before you can join.... (BTW Add your signature next to the "Created by Ray"!) Rule 1. NO VIOLENCE! Please don't add any violence to your panel! Rule 2. No NSFW-type content! This comic stars minors as it's main character Rule 3. Dark humor is allowed but please don't make it blatant racism that is poorly disguised as a joke Rule 4. You can only do one panel Rule 5. If you have broken any of these rules...you might be disqualified from this collab and might have to redo your take Rule 6. I'm sorry if these rules sound rude, I just don't like it when someone breaks the rules in my collabs. #theadventuresofboltz #adventuresofboltz #boltz #boltztherobot #boltztheroboticcat #comic #comics #comicstrip #collab #collaboration #challenge

Created by @_RayGems897_ 1 year ago

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