BECAUSE 13 people said yes to me making another collab (I’ll make one that isn’t in this format l8r) I have created this partially new collab. If you recognise the layout it’s because yes I did use it from an older collab of mine, (I think it was the last collab I made) but I have warned you that I may not respond for a while after doing the collab for a few days to a month (I’ll randomly run out of motivation, keep that in mind ☠️) Now then, have fun~! Some, maybe half of these oc’s are still in development (hornet is entirely new and under development, but she’s cool so I wanna use her. Another oc I would have added to this list is rupen, but he’s also fairly new and slightly less developed than hornet, feel free to choose him if you wish though) Max 2 characters if you choose random then put a 1 or 2 next to it depending on how many characters you would like to be added. Keep in mind it may not be a listed character if random is chosen unless you say you want it from the list ✨
Created by @Cat_Freak 2 years ago54 remixes