@RB_animator534 Can you turn this Into?

We don't be care! Let's Disperse! Chargery: Oppo Socka: Wh (PPC Meet the Phonics Diagraphs) Lightbolb: Uppercase A (PPC Meet the Letters) Picture: Alibaba Pictures Charmy: Sharetea Cuppy: Sunkus N Rubbery: Or (PPC Meet the Sight Words Level 3) Nansensu: Black Hole (BFB/BFDI) Kurasan: LD Entertainment Putty: Oval (PPC Meet the Shapes) Spraysh: Zoom Here are what Oppo, Alibaba Pictures, LD Entertainment and Zoom look Like: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0a/OPPO_LOGO_2019.svg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/d4/Alibaba_Pictures.svg/1024px-Alibaba_Pictures.svg.png https://static.miraheze.org/closinglogosgroupwiki/3/3e/Cce5ea611ab51fefdf58e6d341b3acbb.jpeg.jpg https://seeklogo.com/images/Z/zoom-fondo-blanco-vertical-logo-F819E1C283-seeklogo.com.png

Created by @CW_Aesthetic47 2 years ago

1 remix